24 August 2005

Current TV still sucks

I still hate Current TV. In fact, I hate it more and more every day, as I'm clicking through hundreds of channels with nothing on, looking for just a wee oasis of calm, cool, collected assurance that it sucks, yeah, but only in the U.S.


Unfortunately, bastards at Current TV responded to my hatred for their piece of shit "product" with the following:




I wanted to let you know that I received your email. We appreciate all feedback. NWI had ardent fans, but ultimately not enough of them. Please know that I definitely understand why you're disappointed. For CBC programming, check out their site at www.cbc.ca.  


I know that they plan on streaming videos on their website. If they are not offering a particular program that you would like, it might be worth a shot to contact the folks at their site to petition them to offer more. You can reach them at input@cbc.ca.



"Current TV Drone"


Blargh. I will not contact NWI, I shouldn't have to. Everything was fine until Al Gore decided to, again, fuck shit up for the rest of us.


Instead, I would like anyone and everyone to contact Current TV (lower right hand corner. Fuckwits appear to be hiding behind small e-mail font sizeā€¦) and tell them how bad they suck. And, maybe, pass this along to them.


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