Novak needs to roll...
NOVAK: Well, people know -- who have read my column know there have been special case[s] where I have. But the question of being coerced to by the government and being put in prison is, I think, something that should be protected by act of Congress.
So, Ratvak claims that, once everything is said and done, he'll write about what happened and everyone will understand.
Sure. Unless it's something short of him not willing to admit that he got down on his fat little hands and knees to suck off Shrub, he deserves a byline as much as Jayson Blair.... or Monica Lewinsky.
Of course, the larger travesty in all this is the fact that Time bent over and took it in the ass once the threat of big fines came their way. Nice. It's all well and good to own a news outlet, which Time's owners (and every over media owner, small and monolithic) use to spew their side of things, skew their side of things and make you buckets of money, cutting reporters, salaries and access to the very things that make reporting possible like databases and training.
But the second the bottom line is in jeopoardy, they turn and run like the little pansies they are.
The death rattle of traditional paper-based news has been around for a while, let's hope it kills useless drivel like Time and CNN off once and for all. Especially before there's another goddamned runaway bride, killer shark or natural disaster... augh!
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